Instructions for chairpersons

The chairperson is responsible for introducing each speaker and to ensure adherence to scheduledtiming, facilitate discussion between the speakers & audience, and reporting the outcome of each session.
All chairpersons should arrive 20 minutes prior to their session. 
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the welcome reception/dinner, lunch, and evening events to meet the speakers in your session.

Before the speakers begin to present their research papers introduce yourself, the session, make any announcements/session rules.
We encourage you to introduce each presenter at the commencement of each presentation (it is the responsibility of each presenter to contact the chairperson to find out details on the session arrangements)
Session chairs are required to review each presentation and present.

The programme is organized in to a series of themed sessions, chaired by a nominated chairperson . The sessions are designed to an opportunity for each speaker to present a brief summary of their paper and also providing time for discussion.

Instructions for Speakers

All speakers should arrive at the session room 20 minutes prior to the start of their session. Please make aware the chairperson, your attendance to the session before commencement of the it .
Give your presentation to the technical support person available in the session room and save your presentation in the available PC or Laptop in your session room before the session starts.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the welcome reception/dinner, lunch, and evening events to meet your chairpersons to receive important information on session arrangements & also to meet fellow participants in your session.
Session (presentation) details
Sessions are presented in English and we do not have translation facilities.
Keynote lectures have allocated altogether 25 minutes; 20 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the discussion.
Session starts from a key paper. 20 minutes are allocated for the key paper presentation. 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Other papers:
8 minutes allowed for each presentation 7 minutes for discussion, altogether 15 minutes. However session duration may vary depending on number of presentations, and accordingly your chairperson will confirm the duration of the presentation at the beginning of the session. The chairperson of your session will terminate your presentation when the given time is over. Therefore rehearse your talk to make sure that you have enough time for your presentation. As a guide, we recommend the following structure:

Objectives and aim

If the paper is presented by a substitute, he/she must be familiar with the subject being presented to answer questions from the audience.
Audio-visual aids
In order to ensure that sessions are run in a timely manner, each speaker is limited to use a maximum of 10 minutes talk time, usually only possible to present a maximum of about one slide per minute. 
All presentation rooms will be equipped with a PC, a data projector. 
PowerPoint presentations can be read from CD, DVD and memory sticks. We strongly recommend you to bring your presentation in two different forms of storage media. 
If animations or video clips used, it has to work within PowerPoint and DO NOT rely on additional software.
If you are using animations/video clips please contact the registration desk to arrange a trial on a conference PC & projector. A technical support person will be available in the room before the session commencement to assist speakers in operating the equipment.